Deep Skin Moisturizing

When it comes to skin care, moisturizing is usually one of the more popular, and though it?s hard to believe, more controversial topics. Some experts swear by moisturizing as the best way to keep your skin youthful and healthy while others feel a bit more suspicious of its benefits. Since my grandma lived to 94 years of age with beautiful skin and touted the benefits of moisturizing for years, I tend to lean towards giving it a go. For many, moisturizing on a daily basis is already a daily part of their skin care regime while others are just jumping on the bandwagon for the first time. Regardless of where you fall, deep skin moisturizing is a cost effective and simple way to take hold of the hands of time and rein it in.

First, let?s discuss why your skin needs to be moisturized in the first place. Your skin needs water and oil to carry out its natural healing process. Dehydrated skin has a decreased ability to do that. Although not directly responsible for wrinkles, fine lines, and the more serious risks, such as skin cancer, dry skin is a contributing factor. Since dehydrated skin is less likely to heal itself, it is harder for your skin to recover from the negative effects of the sun and the natural aging process. For these reasons, it seems obvious that moisture is an important part of skin care and moisturizing your skin would be beneficial.

Once you have decided to moisturize, next you?ll need to know just how to go about it. There are a large variety of moisturizing products on the market today that claim to be the ultimate choice in a sea of options. With all these choices it can be difficult to decide what works best for you. Some of the easier, more natural remedies for dry skin are protecting it from the sun, drinking plenty of water, and eating a well-balanced diet high in fiber. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine. This alone will increase your skin?s moisture content without actually applying anything to it.

For some though, an application of some type of moisturizer is necessary. You want your moisturizer to contain not only moisturizing ingredients, but protective elements as well. Look for products that include in their ingredients including collagen, herbs like Gotu Kola, Flame of Forest, and Sensitive Plant, as well as biological oils. Although moisturizing your skin in most cases is beneficial, if you suffer from acne or particularly sensitive skin, you will need to use a moisturizer that is low in oils and allergen free.

The most effective time to apply a skin moisturizer is directly after showering or bathing. While the skin is saturated, the moisturizer will help to lock in the water and keep your skin moist longer.

Brian Fong

Deep skin moisturizing is a cost effective and simple way to take hold of the hands of time and rein it in.

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